199AU    199AU IT DECAY (0.44 MS)      1968BO22                  07NDS    200703
199AU  H TYP=FUL$AUT=BALRAJ SINGH$CIT=NDS 108, 79 (2007)$CUT=15-Oct-2006$
199AU C  1968BO22: SOURCE from 198PT(D,P) E=12.6 MEV, enriched target,
199AU2C  semiconductor detector; observations made on 494G only (1968Bo22)
199AU CG E,M,MR$ From 'adopted gammas'
199AU CL J$ From 'adopted levels'
199AU  P  548.937  2 (11/2)-           0.44 MS   3
199AU  N 0.974        0.974    1.00
199AU CN NR$from intensity balance; normalization does not include the
199AU2CN questionable 170.6 and 176.2 gammas (see 199PT B- decay) from the
199AU3CN 493.775 level
199AU PN                                                                     3
199AU  L    0.0       3/2 +
199AU  L  493.775   3(7/2)+
199AU  G  493.772   2 100       E2                      0.0269               C
199AUS G KC=0.0195$  LC=0.00556$  MC=0.00136$  NC+=0.00042
199AU  L  548.937  2 (11/2)-           0.44 MS   3                           M1
199AU CL T$ evaluated from decay of the 494G (1968Bo22)
199AU  G   55.150  19           M2+E3     0.11   6      334   40 102.7    1
199AUS G               L/T=0.735 3$  M/T=0.197 3$  N+/T=0.0642 7
199AU CG           RI=0.31 6 from TI and CC; TI deduced from intensity balance
199AU2CG in level scheme
199AU CG           1968Bo22 observed prompt coincidences of 494 G with
199AU2CG L-conversion electrons from 55-KEV transition